jacques andré "derniers achats" (détail) with a meredyth sparks records sleeve
michelle naismith "zwan tv"
aline bouvy & john gillis "deux bons amis"
françois curlet "prince orange" 14 cash converters polos on a ikea's coat rack

françois curlet "schnouffer delight"

olivier stévenart plaster column + scooter

jacques andré chez http://www.catherinebastide.com/

Stassart Moderne , Friday 24 April, 7pm - Midnight, 29 rue Stassart, B-1050 Brussels - Works by: Jacques André, Laurent Baudoux, Aline Bouvy & John Gillis, François Curlet, Enrico David, Michel François, Patrice Gaillard & Claude, Babak Ghazi, Ann Véronica Janssens, Michelle Naismith, Olivier Stévenart

people day asked recto to tag a warhol screenprint, ann veronica janssens "loisir et survie" (tape), michel françois (the sofa), laurent baudoux "reggae" (plaster)

patrice gaillard & claude on the fireplace, babak ghazi the file